Release date - 4.5.2024

  Bug - Failed to get the Primary Email Address

As the method to get the address was unreliable for some users, the add-in no longer attempts to discover the user's Primary email address or indeed other addresses that may be mounted in Outlook and only looks for the sender's email address.

  Improvement - Shows the version number in the log file

To assist with technical support, the add-in now records it's version in the log file.

Release date - 3-12-2023

  Bug - Closing via either method works as expected

Previously if you closed the dialogue with the 'x' button in the top-right, it would send the email. It now does the same as the Cancel button

Release date - 15-09-2023

  Improvement - Resizing disabled

The dialog can no-longer be resized.

  Bug - Gracefully copes with UPPER case domain names

The tool was failing to display the prompt if the sender's email address didn't match their address in Exchange. 

The code now converts all email addresses to lowercase before comparing them.

Release date - 10-08-2023

  Improvement - No longer relies on Outlook's primary account being your business account

By default the software prompts with any email accounts that you have mounted in Outlook. You can subsequently change the settings to govern which ones it responds to.

Release date - 30-07-2023

  Bug - Occasionally failed to prompt

The tool now gracefully handles instances where Outlook fails to return the sender's details

  New Feature - Logging

The App now writes a log file to %localappdata%\CloudFiler\PromptToFile

  Improvement - Automated upgrading installer

You no-longer need to un-install the previous version of the software as the installer will detect the presence of an earlier version and uninstall that first. This is sometimes referred to as ‘over the top installation’ or ‘automated upgrading’.

Release date - 22-05-2023

  New Feature - Support for multiple email accounts

If you have multiple business email accounts and need to enable the Prompt To File on more than one, you can now configure this by clicking on the CloudFiler logo.

Release date - 23-02-2023

  Bug - Failed to work on 64-bit Outlook

In earlier versions of Outlook, 32-bit add-ins worked fine within 64-bit Outlook but this is no longer the case. We have been forced to create separate 64-bit and 32-bit installers. Be sure to install the version that matches the bitness of Outlook rather than Windows.

Release date - 13-10-2022

  Improvement - Only appears if sending via your primary email account

If when sending an email you switch the From: account  to a personal email account such as an outlook.com or Gmail account, the prompt will not appear as CloudFiler's filing options will not be available to you anyway.

Release date - 12-10-2022

  New Feature - Initial release

This is the initial release of the Prompt to File plug-in which in an Outlook plug-in for Windows desktop and intercepts the send event to prompt users to file messages.