Release date - 10/7/2024

  Bug - Links to paths now converted to UNC paths

The Copy link/s to clipboard and Send link/s options both now convert file links and the folder links to UNC paths.

  Improvement - Add Location: Wider and re-sizeable interface

As request by customers, we have made the interface wider so that you can see more of the location name. 

We have also made it re-sizable.

  Improvement -  Icon changed to improve visibility in Dark Mode

The CloudFiler icon is now equally visible in both light and dark modes of Windows.

Release date - 11/5/2024

  Improvement - Support for special characters in location names

As CloudFiler can now handle special characters in location names, Add Location no longer prevents you from using them in location names.

  Improvement - Warnings if strings are too long

Whilst the server has always automatically trimmed strings that are too long, Add Location now warns you if your location name is longer than 100 characters or the path is longer than 300 characters.

Release date - 2-12-2023

  Improvement - Adds concatenated nodes to the selection list

Whilst the second-from-last node in the path is selected by default (Daisy Court in this example), it also now offers concatenated nodes such as 2437 Daisy Court.

  Improvement - "Powered by CloudFiler" footer removed

It no longer adds the footer "Powered by CloudFiler".

  Improvement - Horizontal dividing lines in pasted links removed

Following customer feedback these have been removed.

  Improvement - File and Folder lists in pasted links are now indented

Following customer feedback and to improve the presentation, the folder and file lists are now indented.

Release date - 29-09-2023

  Bug - Special characters in filenames and paths

Hyperlinks now work as expected where a filename or path includes special characters such as apostophes.

Release date - 17-09-2023

  Bug - Handling locations names with multiple spaces

The code no longer cleans whitespace from location descriptions and their paths. 

If you create a location with a name like "Location   with   extra    spaces" or with a path which includes spaces, the spaces are preserved.

Release date - 03-07-2023

  Bug - Resolving UNC paths

The code now uses more up-to-date and reliable methods to resolve UNC paths from mounted network drives.

  Improvement - Automated upgrading installer

You no-longer need to un-install the previous version of the software as the installer will detect the presence of an earlier version and uninstall that first. This is sometimes referred to as ‘over the top installation’ or ‘automated upgrading’.

Release date - 24-06-2023

  New Feature - Send link/s

You can now either Copy link/s to clipboard which is useful if you need to paste the links into a part-written document or email, or you can use the new Send link/s option which launches a new Outlook message with the link/s in the body.


Release date - 22-11-2022

  Improvement - Improved error checking and reporting

Will now display the details of errors and includes the exception text. Where the license can't be found it will alert you and provide the path to where it expects to find the file.


Release date - 22-11-2022

  Bug - Failing to reference the correct library

The code was sometimes picking up the wrong version of System.Net.Http.dll

This has now been resolved.


Release date - 09-10-2022

  Improvement - Reads local license.lic if present

This is purely a temporary measure as the bearer token will be obtained automatically in future versions, so this provides a temporary ability to define the bearer token by placing a license.lic file in the same folder as Add Location.exe 


Release date - 07-10-2022

  Improvement - Improved logging

Writes logs to %localappdata%\CloudFiler\Shell Extension log\ 


Release date - 02-10-2022

  New Feature - Supports PRIVATE locations

If the tool detects that the folder is in a user's personal OneDrive, it offers the option to create the location as a PRIVATE location.


Release date - 22-05-2022

  Improvement - UI improvements

    • Improved the appearance and layout of the UI. 
    • Added the version number to the header.


Release date - 09-05-2022

  New Feature - Initial release

This is the initial release of the Shell Extension which provides both the ability to add locations to CloudFiler via Windows Explorer and allows users to copy file and folder links to the clipboard as formatted HTML.