The three licensing tiers

CloudFiler licenses are available in 3 tiers: Standard/Professional/Enterprise. The tiers provide different levels of service to suit your needs; see the web site for current details.

Understanding Deployment and Licensing

Deployment of the product to users and licensing of it are separate things; you can deploy CloudFiler to everyone yet have only two users who then consume just two licenses.

So deployment is where you make it available to either a selection of your staff or to all of them, whereas licensing is automatic and happens when someone uses the software.

Having the icon appear doesn’t make you a user. You are only a user if you use the software.


You can elect to deploy CloudFiler to all staff or a selection of them. This is covered in the help section Controlling who can use CloudFiler


When you use CloudFiler to: file emails, search or manage the system via the customer portal, you will automatically take a licence from the available pool that your business has purchased.

If you cease using the software for 24 hours, the licence is automatically returned to the pool and can be used by a colleague.

Licences are only given to people who have email accounts on your Exchange On-line service.

Licenses are linked to the user’s email address, allowing them to have as many devices as they choose on the one license.

Using more licenses than you own

CloudFiler’s automated licensing enables you to cope with varying demand such as when new staff join in advance of others leaving. 

The system will allow you to use any number of additional licenses for 30 days. After 30 days of over-usage, we will contact you to discuss your needs but no license will expire.